Tau Ceti IV "Wrap The Enemy In Plastic & Swallow Him Whole" CS


Limited cassette of the final Tau Ceti IV release. Solo acoustic guitar music for the not-so-discerning-more-like-you-have-tinnitus listener.

From the liner notes -

If you aren’t familiar, Gabriel Fernandez was a little boy from Southern California - not too far from where I am. He made some headlines a few years back on account of his murder and really how outlandish and scandalous the whole thing was. I’m not good at following the news but it was enough to grab me in: the harrowing abuse, the neglect and failure of the systems meant to protect against such cruelties. You don’t need the details; just picture the most vile, repugnant things one could do to a little child and that’s what young Gabriel experienced in his short time visiting this planet. The final song on this album was written shortly after that case broke. I can remember driving in my car just crying. My wife and I had gone through a dark time with a miscarriage and when this story was gaining steam we had just sort of come out of that fog, having given birth to our first son. So here I am as a new father hearing all this and trying to process it. It was the first time I felt motivated to write where wordless music was the more effective vehicle due to all these complexities. The form naturally suited the content, at last. It, grouped with the subsequent other songs on this album, is also the last time I will release unaccompanied acoustic guitar music publicly.

Thanks for listening.

Winter 2021

Acoustic Guitar, recording: Jordan Darby

Recorded some years back now...

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